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Super Mario World

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Bass

10648 views 15 years ago

                  Super Mario World - Underworld BASS TAB
                             Song by Koji Kondo

                  Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected])

Four-string bass, standard tuning.  Rest for eight measures at the start.

   Q     Q     Q.       E   E  E  H.
G |------------------------|------------------------|  \
D |------18----15----------|---15-L-----------------|   |
A |---------------------15-|17----------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|   |
   Q     Q     E  E  E  E   W                           |       
G |---------------17-L-----|------------------------|   |
D |------------15-------18-b19----------------------|   |
A |------15----------------|------------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|   |
                                                        | 2x    
   W                        W                           |       
G |------------------------|------------------------|   |
D |L-----------------------|L-----------------------|   |
A |------------------------|------------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|   |
   W                        W                           |       
G |------------------------|------------------------|   |
D |L-----------------------|L-----------------------|   |
A |------------------------|------------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|  /

   Q.       Q.       Q      Q.       E  H    
G |------------------------|------------------------|  \
D |19-------15-------------|19-------15-L-----------|   |
A |------------------15----|------------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|   |
                                                        | 2x    
   E  E  Q     Q.       E   W                           |       
G |------------------------|------------------------|   |
D |18-15-------18-------17-|L-----------------------|   |
A |------15----------------|------------------------|   |
E |------------------------|------------------------|  /

    Now, rest for four measures, and repeat.