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Lagoon Castle - Lagoon Guitar Transcription Composer: Unknown Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Ratings 1 Views 3,594
Lake Hylia - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Asuka Ohta Tabber: Alfa_ice
Ratings 14 Favorites 16 Views 17,258
Lake Hylia - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guitar Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Asuka Ohta Tabber: archard
Ratings 2 Favorites 7 Views 24,490
Lake Hylia - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Asuka Ohta Tabber: Andarnio
Ratings 3 Favorites 3 Views 12,439
Lakeside Laboratory - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Koji Kondo Tabber: isa iv
Ratings 1 Favorites 3 Views 9,275
Lakeside Laboratory - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guitar Transcription Composer: Koji Kondo Tabber: archard
Ratings 2 Favorites 2 Views 16,928
Lakeside Laboratory - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guitar Transcription Composer: Koji Kondo Tabber: deleted
Views 5,868
Lakitu's Theme - Tetris Attack Bass Transcription Composer: Yuka Tsujiyoko, Masaya Kuzume Tabber: auriplane
Favorites 1 Views 3,151
Lala no Komori Uta - D.Gray-man Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Kaoru Wada Tabber: Shisca
Ratings 1 Favorites 3 Views 10,608
Lament of a Stranger - To the Moon Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Laura Shigihara, Kan R. Gao Tabber: Ennea
Ratings 4 Favorites 13 Views 14,018
Lament of the Highborne - World of Warcraft Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, David Arkenstone Tabber: kenor
Ratings 3 Favorites 4 Views 27,909
LA-MULANA - La-Mulana Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Tabber: Omnicide
Ratings 2 Views 1,268
Lamune 79's - Narcissu Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: ebi, Shitoshi Fujimoto Tabber: diralark
Ratings 2 Favorites 6 Views 6,044
Lancer - Deltarune Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Toby Fox Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 3 Favorites 3 Views 3,096
Lancer - Deltarune Bass Fingerstyle Composer: Toby Fox Tabber: adnutor
Ratings 1 Views 2,121
Lance's Memory (Rest) - Illusion of Gaia Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Yasuhiro Kawasaki Tabber: diralark
Ratings 6 Favorites 7 Views 6,665
Land of Dwarves - Final Fantasy IV Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Views 4,493
Land of Dwarves - Final Fantasy IV Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 3 Views 5,903
Land of Glaze - Bravely Default Guitar Transcription Composer: Revo Tabber: Solid Snake
Favorites 2 Views 6,569
Land of Glaze - Bravely Default Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Revo Tabber: gudz
Ratings 2 Favorites 2 Views 5,171
Land Select - Duck Tales Guitar Transcription, Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Alternate picking Composer: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi Tabber: LTRobson
Views 4,784
Lantern - Deltarune Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Toby Fox Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 5 Favorites 5 Views 3,515
Lao Shan Lung Finale - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Akihiko Narita, Yuko Komiyama, Tadayoshi Makino Tabber: GomiNoUmi
Ratings 1 Views 2,526
Lapis Philosophorum - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics Composer: Akira Senju Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 11 Favorites 21 Views 26,450
Laplace - Lunar Knights Guitar Transcription Composer: Norihiko Hibino Tabber: Kiku
Ratings 1 Views 4,659
Laps - Duet Bass Transcription Composer: Tim Shiel Tabber: 8bit
Views 2,335
Larry's Theme - Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Guitar Transcription Composer: Noriyuki Iwadare Tabber: Strummer
Favorites 1 Views 7,366
Last Battle - Cave Story Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Daisuke Amaya Tabber: ltm_1988
Ratings 1 Favorites 3 Views 5,006
Last Battle - Chrono Trigger Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Ratings 2 Favorites 2 Views 6,397
Last Call - Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Guitar Transcription Composer: Ashif Hakik, Boyd Post, Ian Rodia Tabber: TraceTheKriken
Views 6,433