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Terran Theme #2 - Starcraft II Guitar Arrangement, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking Composer: Glenn Stafford Tabber: vuser86
Ratings 2 Views 25,958
Terran Theme 3 - Starcraft Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, Jason Hayes Tabber: bluepowder
Ratings 3 Favorites 4 Views 39,324
Terry's World - Dragon Quest Monsters Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Koichi Sugiyama Tabber: floflo79
Ratings 2 Favorites 1 Views 3,156
Teruteru Bouzu - Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Akifumi Tada Tabber: ForestMarth
Favorites 1 Views 6,001
Tetoroika - Super Tetris 3 Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Unknown Tabber: Jon Wagner
Views 7,885
Tetra Master - Final Fantasy IX Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 2 Favorites 3 Views 6,225
Tetra Master - Final Fantasy IX Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Alternate picking Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Tortoise
Ratings 6 Favorites 7 Views 6,299
Tetris: Type B - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Guitar Transcription Composer: Various Composers Tabber: hslesperance
Favorites 1 Views 9,159
That Person's Name Is... - Bravely Default Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Revo Tabber: gudz
Ratings 2 Favorites 9 Views 16,559
That Time - Hourou Musuko Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle Composer: Satoru Kousaki, Keiichi Okabe Tabber: tomorning
Ratings 4 Favorites 8 Views 3,541
The Abyss - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Bass Transcription Composer: Michiru Yamane Tabber: auriplane
Views 4,057
The Airship Hildegarde - Final Fantasy IX Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 1 Favorites 1 Views 6,569
The Almighty - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Guitar Arrangement, Alternate picking Composer: Shoji Meguro Tabber: Mash
Ratings 2 Favorites 6 Views 24,829
The Ancient Library - Final Fantasy V Guitar Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: archard
Favorites 1 Views 4,676
The Attack Run - Rayman 2: The Great Escape Guitar Transcription Composer: Eric Chevalier Tabber: danny865
Views 5,814
The Bannered Mare - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Trill, Tapping Composer: Jeremy Soule Tabber: OggirtMoonfrad
Ratings 3 Favorites 10 Views 71,668
The Battle for Everyone's Souls - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Shoji Meguro Tabber: Shrinx
Ratings 3 Favorites 4 Views 14,220
The Battle For Everyone's Souls - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Guitar Transcription Composer: Shoji Meguro Tabber: Treeji
Ratings 3 Favorites 8 Views 34,820
The Battle of Lil' Slugger - Super Meat Boy! Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking, Artificial harmonics, Pinch harmonics, Tapping, Sweep picking Composer: Danny Baranowsky Tabber: Jacob31593
Ratings 3 Favorites 2 Views 23,174
The Beginning: Stage 1 - Castlevania 3 Guitar Transcription, Trill, Sweep picking Composer: Y. Sasaki, J. Funamashi, Y. Morimoto Tabber: deleted
Ratings 2 Favorites 5 Views 18,249
The Big Whale - Final Fantasy IV Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking, Sweep picking Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 2 Favorites 1 Views 5,265
The Big Whale - Final Fantasy IV Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Favorites 2 Views 2,931
The Bird Spread Its Wings - Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics Composer: Keiki Kobayashi, Tetsukazu Nakanishi, Hiroshi Okubo, Katsuro Tajima Tabber: tomorning
Ratings 4 Favorites 4 Views 11,560
The Boundless Ocean - Final Fantasy III Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: hashel
Favorites 1 Views 5,134
The Boy's Got Wings - Ys III: Wanderers from Ys Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Mieko Ishikawa Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Views 5,002
The Boy's Got Wings (Redbook Version) - Ys III: Wanderers from Ys Guitar Transcription Composer: Mieko Ishikawa Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Views 3,738
The Bridge (Arcade) - Mortal Kombat 3 Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Dan Forden Tabber: LTRobson
Favorites 1 Views 5,472
The Burdened - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Guitar Transcription Composer: Takeharu Ishimoto Tabber: snckpack
Ratings 1 Views 12,732
The Champion - Breath of Fire III Bass Transcription Composer: Yoshino Aoki, Akari Kaida Tabber: Daugreano
Views 5,083
The Chase - Battle Against Luca - Suikoden 2 Guitar Transcription Composer: Miki Higashino Tabber: Pasto
Favorites 1 Views 3,580