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Death Montain - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Ryo Nagamatsu Tabber: Alfa_ice
Ratings 10 Favorites 10 Views 9,856
Death Mountain - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Asuka Ohta Tabber: ladybug95
Ratings 6 Favorites 3 Views 15,287
Deception - Final Fantasy V Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Exdeath
Ratings 4 Favorites 1 Views 3,422
Deception / Requiem / Good Night Medley - Final Fantasy V Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 2 Favorites 2 Views 3,203
Decision Bell - Seiken Densetsu 3 Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Hiroki Kikuta Tabber: Ennea
Ratings 2 Favorites 3 Views 4,203
Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Tabsarnack
Ratings 5 Favorites 6 Views 17,091
Decretum - Puella Magi Madoka Magica Guitar Transcription, Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Yuki Kajiura Tabber: limchd
Ratings 19 Favorites 38 Views 63,652
Deedlit's song - Record of Lodoss War Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Kaoru Wada Tabber: tezcatlipoca13
Views 5,663
Deep Inside Region - Yosuga no Sora Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Bruno Wen-Li, Manabu Miwa Tabber: scarecrowlol
Ratings 5 Favorites 11 Views 8,480
Deep Past - Lovely Complex Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Hironosuke Sato Tabber: Ttegdap
Ratings 2 Favorites 6 Views 2,549
Deep Under the Water - Final Fantasy III Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 2 Favorites 4 Views 3,237
Deep Under The Water - Final Fantasy III Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: hashel
Ratings 1 Views 4,033
Deepwater - World of Warcraft Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, David Arkenstone Tabber: diralark
Ratings 3 Favorites 13 Views 16,815
Defeat - The Guardian Legend Guitar Arrangement Composer: Miyamo Shant Tabber: olenellus
Views 1,294
Deku Palace - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo Tabber: fabaaun
Ratings 1 Favorites 5 Views 27,536
Deku Palace - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo Tabber: Alfa_ice
Ratings 4 Favorites 13 Views 10,019
Deku Tree - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Koji Kondo Tabber: Mirrors Shatter
Ratings 2 Favorites 6 Views 26,108
Deku Tree's Last Words - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Koji Kondo Tabber: Stamen47
Ratings 16 Favorites 22 Views 47,364
Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine Guitar Transcription, Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Shinobu Tanaka, Koji Kondo Tabber: archard
Ratings 8 Favorites 21 Views 16,449
Delicate Sympathy - Tokyo School Life Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: chibi-tech Tabber: Ttegdap
Ratings 1 Favorites 4 Views 2,040
Delightful Spekkio - Chrono Trigger Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Solid Snake
Favorites 1 Views 7,283
Delita's Theme - Final Fantasy Tactics Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata Tabber: Lemoncobbler
Ratings 3 Favorites 6 Views 8,951
Delita's Theme - Final Fantasy Tactics Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle, 2 or more instruments Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata Tabber: chiqueto_x
Ratings 3 Favorites 1 Views 10,292
Delusion - Walkure Romanze Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Ryosuke Nakanishi Tabber: scarecrowlol
Ratings 5 Favorites 6 Views 3,349
Demise of the Ritual - Shadow of the Colossus Guitar Arrangement, 2 or more instruments Composer: Kow Otani Tabber: Zelos
Ratings 1 Favorites 3 Views 14,971
Demo - Uniracers Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Colin Anderson Tabber: Gabriel
Ratings 1 Views 2,461
Den of Sagila - Rygar Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking, Natural harmonics Composer: T. Hasuya Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 1 Favorites 1 Views 6,707
Denshou - Air Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Jun Maeda, Shinji Orito, Magome Togoshi Tabber: MechaKrauser
Ratings 5 Favorites 12 Views 7,451
Departure - Ib Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics Composer: YASUpochi Tabber: French Fries
Ratings 12 Favorites 31 Views 37,130
Departure - Kiki's Delivery Service Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Joe Hisaishi Tabber: Basisti94
Ratings 8 Favorites 14 Views 11,335