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Dracula's Castle - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Michiru Yamane Tabber: Kenkiske
Ratings 3 Favorites 8 Views 40,656
Dracula's Tears - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Bass Transcription Composer: Michiru Yamane Tabber: auriplane
Views 5,367
Dragon Knight - Chrono Cross Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda Tabber: Ranulf
Views 6,415
Dragon Legend - Brain Lord Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Masanao Akahori Tabber: iamHoustonian
Ratings 1 Favorites 1 Views 3,228
Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Guitar Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata Tabber: archard
Ratings 5 Favorites 11 Views 273,664
Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Guitar Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata Tabber: Thethedarknut
Ratings 4 Favorites 3 Views 17,370
Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Bass Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata Tabber: archard
Ratings 2 Favorites 3 Views 31,138
Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Ukulele Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata Tabber: Antisocial Wolf
Ratings 1 Favorites 7 Views 58,210
Dragon Roost Island - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Guitar Transcription Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata Tabber: RexLeRouge
Ratings 4 Favorites 5 Views 53,751
Dragon's Den - Shadowgate Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Unknown Tabber: Schin
Ratings 1 Views 3,411
Dr. Andonuts' Lab - Earthbound Guitar Transcription Composer: Hirokazu Tanaka, Keiichi Suzuki Tabber: Kurupiralejo
Ratings 1 Views 3,564
Dr. Cossack's Citadel Stages 3 & 4 - Mega Man 4 Guitar, Bass Transcription, Arrangement, 2 or more instruments Composer: Yasuaki Fujita, Minae Fujii Tabber: Jacob31593
Ratings 1 Favorites 1 Views 3,710
Dr. Doppler Stage - Mega Man X3 Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Toshihiko Horiyama Tabber: Kenkiske
Ratings 2 Views 5,219
Dream Chaser - F-Zero X Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Pinch harmonics Composer: Hajime Wakai, Taro Bando Tabber: Coop_Ninjask
Ratings 1 Favorites 3 Views 14,339
Dreamer - Streets of Rage 2 Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Yuzo Koshiro Tabber: LTRobson
Favorites 1 Views 10,540
Dream Land - Super Smash Bros. Guitar Transcription Composer: Hirokazu Ando Tabber: archard
Ratings 15 Favorites 27 Views 59,316
Dream of a Whale - Ragnarok Online Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Artificial harmonics, Tremolo Composer: soundTeMP Tabber: hslesperance
Ratings 2 Views 11,711
Dream's Creation - Chrono Cross Guitar Transcription Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda Tabber: archard
Ratings 2 Favorites 3 Views 11,227
Dreamseed Fruit - Legend of Mana Guitar, Bass Transcription Composer: Yoko Shimomura Tabber: Daugreano
Favorites 1 Views 3,757
Drifting - Final Fantasy VIII Guitar Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: bigmacian
Ratings 4 Favorites 2 Views 8,692
Droog Volcano - Brain Lord Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Masanao Akahori Tabber: iamHoustonian
Ratings 1 Views 2,999
Droplets Temple - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Guitar Transcription Composer: Mitsuhiko Takano Tabber: archard
Ratings 3 Favorites 3 Views 8,266
Dr. Wily Stage 1 - Mega Man 2 Guitar Transcription Composer: Manami Matsumae, Manami Ietel, Ogeretsu Kun Tabber: Zero
Ratings 11 Favorites 16 Views 254,612
Dr. Wily Stage 1 - Mega Man 2 Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Manami Matsumae, Manami Ietel, Ogeretsu Kun Tabber: Calebelijah
Ratings 4 Favorites 11 Views 42,284
Dr. Wily Stage 1 - Mega Man 5 Guitar Transcription Composer: Mari Yamaguchi Tabber: Brainsick Fungus
Ratings 2 Favorites 1 Views 5,635
Dr. Wily Stage 1 (SongeLeReveur Version) - Mega Man 2 Guitar, Bass Transcription, Arrangement, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking, Tremolo Composer: Manami Matsumae, Manami Ietel, Ogeretsu Kun Tabber: ForestMarth
Ratings 3 Favorites 3 Views 31,049
Dr. Wily Stage 2 - Mega Man 3 Guitar, Bass Transcription, Arrangement, 2 or more instruments Composer: Yasuaki Fujita Tabber: Jacob31593
Ratings 4 Favorites 4 Views 6,564
Dry Tears - Lovely Complex Guitar Transcription Composer: Hironosuke Sato Tabber: Spellbound66623
Ratings 1 Views 4,141
Duff McWhalen - Mega Man X5 Guitar Transcription Composer: Naoya Kamisaka, Naoto Tanaka, Takuya Miyawaki Tabber: Israel Gripp Schottz
Views 4,053
Dungeon - StarTropics Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Y. Hirai Tabber: Juja
Ratings 1 Favorites 1 Views 6,789